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What should you do after a slip-and-fall accident?

A slip-and-fall accident can occur virtually anywhere.

However, when someone else is at fault for the fall, tort law allows victims to file a personal injury claim and recover compensation for their losses. If you suffered an injury from a slip and fall, consider what you can do to protect your claim.

Protecting your right to compensation at the scene

Where the fall occurs will impact what happens in the immediate aftermath. For example, if you fall in a supermarket or restaurant, you would call for help and report the fall to a supervisor on duty. Ask for a copy of the accident report as well. Then, take photographs or a video of the scene to document everything, including visible injuries.

If the accident occurs on a residential property, you can skip to photographing the hazard that caused your fall and your injuries. In either case, the priority is to protect your health.

Protecting your case in the days that follow

If you did not need emergency medical care, you should still see a doctor as soon as possible. Documenting your injuries is a critical element in a personal injury claim. Medical records and doctor notes serve as evidence.

Avoiding social media and discussing your case with anyone other than your doctor or attorney helps strengthen your claim as well. Insurance adjustors investigate claims and will look for evidence that could diminish the company’s liability.

As the injured person filing a claim, you are responsible for proving liability and your damages, which is why documentation is essential.