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3 things to know about blind spot collisions

Everyone knows how deadly head-on and angle collisions can be. Still, sideswipe accidents, where a vehicle hits the side of another, caused 1,300 fatalities in the U.S. in 2019 alone. This type of collision also represented nearly 8% of all vehicle crashes that year.

While sideswipe accidents occur for many different reasons, failing to check blind spots is a common one. A blind spot, of course, is simply the space a driver cannot see from his or her mirrors. Here are three things you should know about blind spot collisions.

1. They are preventable

All motorists have a duty to drive responsibly. While this duty involves following traffic rules and maintaining vehicles, drivers must also look over their shoulders to be certain another car is not inside a blind spot. Sadly, even though some drivers refuse to look over their shoulders, blind spot collisions are preventable.

2. Crash avoidance systems are not infallible

Many modern cars, trucks and SUVs have collision avoidance systems that alert drivers to potential accident risks. While these systems certainly are nice to have, the technology is not perfect. Consequently, even if a vehicle has an avoidance system, its driver should check blind spots the old-fashioned way.

3. You may suffer a life-altering injury

If you are moving at highway speeds when a car sideswipes your vehicle, you may suffer a catastrophic injury in the collision. Symptoms of accident-related injuries do not always appear immediately, however. Therefore, you probably want to visit the emergency room for a full medical evaluation after a blind spot collision.

While you can take steps to avoid hitting other vehicles in your blind spots, you have no control over other drivers. Ultimately, if someone’s irresponsible driving causes you to sustain a life-altering injury, you may be eligible for financial compensation.
