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What are some examples of medical malpractice?

Just because a patient doesn’t have a positive outcome does not mean that medical malpractice has occurred. Some surgeries carry an inherent risk of death, for example. The surgeon may not make any mistakes, but the patient could still pass away.

When it becomes medical malpractice is when there is an element of negligence. The medical professional has made an error or otherwise not provided the level of care that the patient expected. If this leads to harm or the death of the patient, then it may be medical malpractice. Below are a few examples to see how this works.

Wrong site surgery

First of all, wrong-site surgery happens when a surgeon operates on the wrong patient, the wrong body part or the wrong side of the body. If a surgeon is supposed to amputate someone’s left hand and they amputate the right hand instead, it’s a serious medical error.

Medication mistakes

Another problem is when the doctor makes a mistake while administering medication. This could include giving the patient too much medication so that they have an overdose or giving them two different medications that have a dangerous interaction.

A negligent misdiagnosis

Not every misdiagnosis is medical malpractice, but it can be if the doctor should have gotten it right. Perhaps the patient had numerous tests and scans done. If the doctor neglected to analyze all the documentation and just guessed at what they thought the ailment was, it could be a costly and dangerous misdiagnosis.

If you have suffered harm due to medical malpractice, take the time to look into all of your options to seek financial compensation.
