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Statistics on precipitation and traffic accidents

For all drivers, it is essential to understand the different ways that precipitation can cause a traffic accident and the prevalence of these collisions. From rain and snow to sleet or hail, precipitation can make driving very dangerous. Sometimes, staying off of the road until weather conditions get better is the right call.

Sadly, people continue to sustain devastating injuries and lose their lives due to precipitation-related accidents. Weather conditions can change suddenly, and negligent behavior behind the wheel (such as speeding) becomes even more dangerous when it is raining or snowing.

Data on traffic collisions and precipitation

The Federal Highway Administration reports that more weather-related traffic collisions involve rain and wet pavement than other risk factors due to weather. On an annual basis, about 21% of traffic collisions involve weather-related risks. During a typical year, more than 418,000 people sustain injuries and almost 5,000 lose their lives as a result of accidents involving adverse weather conditions.

Traffic accident risks associated with precipitation

Precipitation can lead to a traffic accident in different ways. For starters, drivers can have difficulty controlling their vehicles when roads become slick due to rain, snow or ice. Precipitation can make sharp turns, steep hills and high speeds particularly risky. Furthermore, precipitation can negatively affect a driver’s ability to see the road. Some accidents occur due to low visibility as a result of heavy rain or snowfall.

For those who suffered an injury in a weather-related accident, it is critical to determine whether the negligence of another driver contributed to the accident and explore resources that could facilitate recovery.
