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Statistics on drowsy driving

As a driver, you need to stay vigilant and look out for various hazards. Many crashes occur due to bad weather, chaotic traffic and the recklessness of others (such as speeding and drunk driving). It is also important to understand how many accidents, injuries and deaths occur as a result of drowsy driving.

On the road, you could struggle with fatigue for a host of reasons. Whether you have a busy week, fail to get enough sleep or take certain medication, you need to watch out for drowsiness that could result in an accident. Unfortunately, some drivers ignore these risk factors.

How many drowsy driving accidents take place?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, law enforcement received reports of an estimated 91,000 accidents involving drowsy drivers over the course of 2017. Moreover, estimates suggest that these accidents led to almost 800 fatalities and 50,000 injuries in 2017.

A majority of drowsy driving accidents take place between 12 AM and 6 AM. However, you should remember that drowsy driving accidents occur at various times.

Why is drowsy driving so prevalent?

The NHTSA outlines a number of risks associated with drowsy driving. Sometimes, parents are very tired because they have to wake up during the night to take care of a newborn, while others stay out with their friends very late or drive for long periods of time on a road trip. Adjusting to a new work schedule or working long hours also causes many drivers to become drowsy.

If you are struggling with the consequences of a crash after a drowsy driver hit you, make sure you stay focused on your recovery and your options.
